
TestTalker®:  A software program to help individuals be more successful with test taking, worksheet completion, and study materials. TestTalker provides a computer version of a test, worksheet, or other form that can read the text to the student.

                                    Getting Started:  Instructions for TestTalker

TestTalker Instructions

Teacher Edition:

1. Open TestTalker and choose IBM voice if prompted to do so. Scan, import, or download a test, form or worksheet into TestTalker. To Scan, turn the scanner on, place the document face down on the glass, select the Scan button on the toolbar.

2. Check the reading order. Use Dynamic Zoning to redefine OCR (Optical Character Recognition) zones to change the reading order if desired. It is important that this be completed prior to the next two steps (cleaning up scanning errors, and inserting answer blanks), or changes made during those steps will be lost when TestTalker's OCR program re-recognizes the document. Begin by selecting Read. If the document is reading out of order select Dynamic Zoning and Enable Dynamic Zoning and Show Current Zones which will appear surrounded by blue boxes. Select Dynamic Zoning from the Tools menu then on Re-define Zones on Current Page. The cursor changes to a crosshair with a small letter 'z' in it. Click and hold the mouse and drag the cursor over the first desired zone, release. Repeat for each zone. Select Re-recognize Document from Dynamic Zoning in the Tools menu. If the reading order is still unsatisfactory after defining the new zones, select Revert to Original Zones or Erase New Zones from the Dynamic Zoning submenu and try again.

3. Clean up any errors in scanning using Clean-Up. In this view both the Picture of the document scanned and the Text-only view appear. The Text-only is on top with the exact view on bottom. The Text-only is what TestTalker uses to read aloud. Edit this view if there are errors in reading (incorrect word, pronunciation…). These corrections will be heard but not seen in the student mode since they will only see the exact view. To correct errors be sure to enter the corrections and then delete the incorrect characters. NEVER delete the whole word first-or there will no longer be a  link between that spoken word and highlighted text and your highlighting will be off when it's reading.

4. Insert answer blanks for Fill-in, Extended Answer, Multiple Choice, and True/False type questions.                                                                               
Fill-in: TestTalker may automatically insert a Fill-in answer blank where it recognizes an underline in a document. If the answer blank is not desired in that location, click on it and delete it. Insert a Fill-in, 3-Line Extended or 8-Line Extended answer blank depending on the size of the answer.                                         
Multiple Choice:  TestTalker will automatically group sets of 4 answer buttons if Auto-group 4 is selected under Multiple Choice. Grouping allows only one answer from that group to be selected by a student. To group sets of answers more or less than 4, Choose Multiple Choice, Manual. Then under Tools select Group Buttons. Leave this feature off if you wish to allow the student to select more than one answer.                                                                                  
  Used in groups of 2 buttons-one for True and one for False.  You may only select one button.                            

5. Try out the test, form, or worksheet as a student would, using Student Mode. Select Read to have TestTalker begin reading where the cursor is positioned. You may change the reading voice, rate and pausing. TestTalker highlights as it reads. Select Read again to pause the reading.

6. Erase any answers you have filled in by selecting Erase Answers from the Tools menu. You may want to print it out first to use as an answer key.

7. Save material to disk or other computer where the student has access to a Student Edition of TestTalker.
