Started: Instructions for
Step-By-Step Communicator
Communicator Instructions
A total of 75 seconds of recording time is available on the Step-By-Step. All messages in a level must be recorded at one time. It is not possible to re-record or change just one message in a sequence.
2. For record mode, press the record button two times and release.
3. Press and hold the surface of the Step-by-Step and record first message in sequence.
4. Release and press to record the second message.
5. Continue steps 3 and 4 until all messages in that level are recorded.
6. To move to second level, press record button three times and release.
7. Follow steps 3 and 4 for that level.
8. Continue until all levels needed have been recorded.
9. When recording is complete, press the record button two times.
Other info…
Pressing the Record button two times will either begin or end recording.
Pressing the Record button three times will advance Step-by-Step to the next level.
To move a sequence of levels at one time, press the record button
three times for each level with a two-second pause between levels.