Clicker 4®:


Clicker 4:  A software program that is a supportive writing tool that combines a talking word processor, Clicker Writer, with Grids (templates), Clicker Grids. Clicker Writer can be used with or without pictures and has speech support. You can type directly into Clicker Writer, or you can enter text and pictures from the Clicker Grids. A Clicker Grid usually fits in the bottom half or third of the screen. When using a Clicker Grid, cells can contain whole words, phrases, or pictures. You can listen to a cell before selecting it and also hear the whole sentence read back when a period is typed at the end. Pre-made grids are available in the program with hundreds more available from the Crick Software website. Clicker 4 can be used for:

q       Sentence Building :  Words organized left to right and color coded to help students build simple sentences.

q       Word Banks:  Type from the keyboard but use the Clicker Grids for more difficult words or to expand vocabulary.

q       Scaffolding:  Grids can be linked so that students can move through them in a sequence, offering a “writing frame” or “story frame” to help structure a piece of writing.

q       Multimedia:  Clicker Grids can be created to work on their own, without Clicker Writer, making them more like pages of a digital book.

q       Graphics:  Clicker comes with a graphic library of over 1000 pictures, along with the capability to use your own images or digital photos.


Getting Started:  Instructions for Clicker 4

Clicker 4 Instructions  

  1. Start-Programs and select Clicker 4; a Log on dialog box will appear.

     The Log on menu should allow you to maintain settings for individual users.

    1. User Preferences
    2. Word Lists
    3. Access Settings
    4. User Folder
    5. The Home Grid

2.  After you have Logged in, select OK, and the Clicker 4 Home Grid should open.


Clicker Writer:

The Clicker Writer Toolbar gives you quick access to many word processing functions.          

Clicker Grids:

The Clicker Grid Toolbar helps you to find your way around your grids.  

·         To enter text into cells-
Under File, choose New Grid.  The Clicker 4 Templates box opens.
Select a template and click OK. Position the cursor in a cell and Shift-Left

. Type a word or phrase into the cell and press Return. You may tab
to the next cell. When you are done entering text, the Grid is ready to

·         To enter instant pictures into cells-

Options-choose User Preferences-Instant Picture-For-Cells-OK. The pictures will now come up as you type. Or you may choose the picture directly. Shift-Right Click-Cell Properties-Graphic-allows you to choose a graphic from anywhere on your computer. To change the properties of the cells, press shift-right click.  This gives you the Cell properties box. Choose the Appearance tab to change the color of the background, font, and font color. Choose the send tab to decide what you want sent (text only, text and graphics, graphics only, nothing) to Clicker Writer.  Chose the Sound & Video tab to link sounds or video to a cell.  Choose the Open Grid tab to link the cells to another Grid.

·         To save your grid-

File-Save Grid as, open the folder you want to save it and name the Grid. Click Save. If you now go into Clicker Explorer you will see you saved Grid in the list of Grids.
(You can save your Grids so that they link together using the blue arrows on the Grid toolbar.  To do this, save them with the same name and consecutive numbers, e.g. sentence 1, sentence 2….)     

Example Grids:

When you choose this option you are taken directly into Clicker Explorer.  This is a file management system. You can open the various folders that contain sample Grids.  Open the Sentence Building Folder. Select Simple Sentences and click on Sentence 1.  Click on a word in the Grid to enter it into Clicker Writer.  You can listen to the word first with a right click.

Making Books:

1.      To make a Grid click on the button Make a clicker Grid. 

2.      Choose the Book-making tab.

3.      Select Layout 1.

4.      This template consists of a graphic box (left of the page) and text box (right of the page).

5.      Choose File, Save Grid As.

6.      Open the work folder and give the book a name followed by page one (mountain story page 1).

7.      Point the mouse at the graphic box and press shift and left click.

8.      Choose the Open icon and select the folder of suitable images, then the graphic you wish to add. To change the graphic, repeat this process.

9.      Point the mouse at the text box and press shift and left click. A cursor will appear which will allow you to start writing. Use the text toolbar to change the font or add bullet points etc.

10.  When you wish to move to another page select File, New Grid.

11.  Choose the Book making tab.

12.  Select Layout 1.

13.  Choose File, Save Grid As.

14.  Open the work folder and give the book the same name followed by page 2 (mountain story page 2).

15.  Add the graphic and text in the same way. The pages will now be automatically linked, by using the yellow arrows at the bottom of the page.

16.  To change the size of the graphic or text box select Alt-Drag any edge or corner.

17.  To move a text or graphic box press Alt-Drag from the center of the box

18.  To hear the story, click on the Hear icon at the bottom of the screen.

Downloading Clicker Grids from Clicker Grids for Learning:

Free Grids are available for download from You will need to select USA rather than UK and then select the CGfl grid from the menu on the left. A welcome screen provides information on the newest grids available. Go to the Category List on the left and select a Clicker Grid. Select Windows download and Log in. (You will have to register the first time). Select Run this program from its current location. Select Open-keep selecting next and it will bring it into Clicker 4. Now it is in the Clicker Grids For Learning folder ready for you to use.